(1957 - )
Advertising executive. Born Northfield, Minnesota, 13 March 1957, of Robert Willoghby and Mary Kathryn (Kolling) Corrigan. Educated BA, Vassar College, 1979. Account executive Leo Burnett Co., Chicago, 1979-81; sr. v.p. Ted Bates Worldwide, N.Y.C., 1982-87; exec. v.p., European bus. dir., BSB World-wide, Paris, 1987-90; multnat. mgn. dir. BBS Internat., Paris, 1990-; vis. prof. U. Paris, Sorbonne, 1987-88; gust lectr. RSCG Campus, Paris, 1989. Pres. Young Reps., Chicago, 1982; bd. dirs., Chicago International Film Festival, 1980-82, Chicago Museum Contemporary Art, 1981. Member English Speaking Union, America Club of Paris, Vassar Club of N.Y. (bd. dirs. 1983-87).
(src: Who’s Who in the World 10th Ed 1991-92)